Monday, 26 October 2009

More lines for the schoolbook

These are a few lines for the inside of the schoolbook. I had to make some changes in some of them, and the world, well, they told me I have to do it all over again, they did not like the "arrangement" of the continents, that said, they wanted a traditional view of the world (with Northamerica and Europe included).. I was so happy to do something different from usual!
I think I will add some changes to the illu of the museum, maybe bolden up the outher line and adding some textures, because I feel it is a bit "empty".


Brian Lue Sang said...

This project looks awesome! I think the feel that you're giving it is so beautiful and interesting - not to mention how wonderful the art is.

Sebastian Barreiro said...

Caro, que queres que te diga...
Una belleza lo que estas haciendo, y un lujo para el cliente! y en lo poco que se va viendo, pareciera que vas creciendo de dibujo en dibujo.
No podes privar a los demas moratles de que veamos tus trabajos en otros medios, lanzateeeeee!!!!!
SOS UNA GROSA, lo digo, mejor dicho, lo afirmo una ves mas!