I finally had my beautiful daughter on 20th. November! She's fine and an angel! Her name is Sofia, we are so proud... And two weeks after her birth she was in NICU for 5 days because of a general infection caused by a virus, thanks god it wasn't a serious thing. But lo and behold, this last months were full of surprises and complicated situations, which didn't leave me much time to focus on art or illustration.
Now, A month and 10 days have passed, and slowly things are getting on track again.
I purchased my new Wacom tablet last Friday, and at any free moment I can find with my three angels, I try to sit down and understand it better...here an unfinished try to draw something with it, and I promise, when i finish it I will post it!So to anyone who visits my blog, i beg for a little bit of patience, because new material is soon coming!!!

me encanta com dibujas, tenes una linea envidiable!
el color no se queda atras! diez Clarincitos!
HI CArolina!! You wouldn't even imagine who I am. Well, the reason why I entered your site is because (well yes, I was a bit curious about you, so what? hehehe)I was really interested in your work. And by the way, it's absolutely stunning!! Well done, girl. Congratulations about your new baby! Glad she is all right now, and we mothers do know about situations like the one you talked about.
I hope this will be YOUR year!!!
Lots of luck
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