Thursday, 24 March 2011

Commissions, commissions!

Yes!! I have been very busy lately, and after finishing the doll I started with some commissioned illustrations, which the client wants as only lineart. I will be coloring soon just for fun ^ _ *

Working on a self made bjd doll

I have been on vacation, and afterwards I laid hands on a long longed project: my selfsculpted bjd doll.
It was hard work, but finally here she is! I named her Mizuki after my favorite japanese doll artists: Miyuki Hirose and Hizuki. I made her dress too out of vintage pieces of velvet and lace.
I used the wonderful book "Ball jointed doll guide" from the great japanese doll artist Ryo Yoshida for working through the process. It's a great book full of images.
I'm thrilled because I discovered that sculpting makes me as happy as drawing and illustrating ^__ ^.