Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Confirmation and final first illu

Yayy!! So I will finally illustrate 5 double pages, together with other 3 illustrators, each featuring different mythological creatures (I will be doing fairies, elves, mermaids and muses). So, I'm very happy!!

Saturday, 21 August 2010

New personal illu- traditional media

I've started a new illustration for my personal portfolio, but this time I've decided to go back to roots and make it by hand, as I haven't done anything without the tablet in almost the past two years! So, I'm pretty happy with the outcome so far, but I had to delay the coloring with markers, because I'm working on a possible commission, which could be the first time I had the chance to be published in my very personal, not child-like style,.. so, we'll see :)